Episode #16


  The Audition Master Class starts September 8th! Is it time to start booking! Find out more here!   0:00   Focusing in on something small and getting very good at it is a component of big booking magic. Hey friends, I'm Casey, your coach. This is your podcast, a little mini movie magic moment, a short form of your favorite podcast. Before we get into this episode of podcast bubble, we want you to learn exactly what you need to do to book more with the audition masterclass starting in September. Now I know, you know, tons of talented actors who just aren't booking or not booking enough, maybe that's you. It could be because you just don't know how to audition. You've seen terrible actors in films and series, right?    


0:48 They know how to audition. They may not know how to act, but they know how to get auditions. And they book crazy, but true. My clients book a lot. I teach them things that other coaches just teach like the 22nd rule that I made up. Did you know that casting directors turn off auditions? If you don't get them hooked in the first 20 seconds, we have a waiting list started. So email info at screen acting school right now. And Donna Marie will add you to the list. We'll be opening enrollment soon, and we don't want you to miss it now for your mini movie magic moment on podcast bubble, you actually do less. And then you actually get more.    


1:35 So when you focus, you waste less time. There's no time for chatting. Collaboration is nice. As you know, I love collaboration and I love community. But growing your work is better focusing in on something small and getting very good at it is a component of big booking magic. So when you study, remember this, when you're doing the work that you do to study, remember to feel challenged, feel accomplished, feel powerful, and feel engaged because these are the feelings we have when we're successful and you can create them now just by creating small study patterns for yourself. So let's say that you're practicing, acting technique, which is something that I've been writing to you about in the newsletter.    


2:20 So you should get on the newsletter mailing list. You can get on it with that same email address at, at screen acting school that you want to have those feelings when you're practicing so that you feel that way when you're auditioning and sometimes auditions don't come for a while. So sometimes you're going to get really good at those feelings just by all the time you have to practice. That's one way of looking at it. Anyway, we're looking at a character. Let's create a character together. This character is curious.    


2:50 You're going to play the scene as if every line of dialogue is something that gets you closer to what you're curious about. You're going to create curious behavior. Like I said, in the email today, you're going to scratch your head. You're going to narrow your brows. Flatten your lips, look deeply at things. Do some things that make you feel curious. So you're going to create that this character is curious. You're going to slow down. You're going to focus on one thing. You're going to achieve that, feeling, that cake feeling. And you're going to feel greatness in your work faster than you might have. So the first thing you want to do is slow down and focus on this.    


3:29 And then another thing that is very helpful are done. Murray's visualizations. They will help you get there. Now she's doing them for people in the creativity sessions and for people in the actor success path, they will help you get there because you have to see it to be it. I know that that's sounds airy fairy and I am not airy fairy. I'm the farthest away from airy fairy. But I know if I see it in my mind, it's far more likely that I'm going to be creating it very soon or sooner. And I certainly will do a better job if I've got a map for it in my mind, and working with Donna-Marie's visualizations really helps.    


4:10 You can be prepared ahead of time when you practice incrementally, because you've done this character before you've done this, these given circumstances before you've done this emotional connection before you've done this moment before this moment, after this emotional change, you've done this before. You're just putting together the parts of something that you've already done. That's why practicing incrementally really helps practice incrementally one little step at a time. And then eventually those characters come up and you audition for them and you rock them. Where are we going to go with this? I'm going to talk about three things that are really important to you in terms of working small and working effectively so that the things you practice can be things that move you forward.    


5:00 So the first thing is work alone. I know when you act, you have another person with you, but when you practice have some time where you're working alone, where it's just you and your ability that you're working on. Remember when you're working on it, tape it don't look at yourself while you're taping it. By the way, this is something I didn't know that people were doing. Flip your camera around, flip your camera around so that you're not watching yourself. Because when you watch yourself, you'll be tempted to do what I do, which is fix your hair and care about what you look like, which it doesn't matter. So work alone on the thing you're working on.    


5:41 That's number one, number two, be in the moment and number three, create rituals to do more and to do better work. This will help you practice and practice effectively. So number one, you want to practice alone. There are things you need to do with other actors. Like I said, you need to do scene study with other actors, but there are things that you can do alone. Whether you're working on Donna Marie's mental movie, magic visualization should get you there. When you see it, you can be it. Or when you're working on lessons that are about choices and techniques. So the choices that we look at are the choices like, who am I? Where am I?    


6:23 What am I doing? Those kinds of questions, lots of other ones, obviously, but those kinds of questions. So when you're working on those choices, you can really think about it. Think about it deeply when you create the physical, the physicality of a character that creates the emotional and contextual part of that character as well. So you're peering into something, furrowing your brow, touching your face, curious. Hmm. What is that? How are you feeling? What is that? If your dialogue might say hello, but you might ask a question with that. Hello? Because you're asking curiously when you get lost in the work.    


7:02 So this is point number two. When you get lost in the work, the work is better. Cocking your head and listening, listening, and tell me like, oh, and observing, like, what is that getting lost in the work means you get better work, done. Getting lost in the work is easier if you're alone and it's easier if you do it over a short period of time, here's why if you have more time, you will waste your fucking time. Doing things like figuring out what you have to do or how long you have to do it. Or if your kid is going to come in and interrupt your session or whatever, or you'll think about other things that you should be doing that you're not doing. Like I should be baking right now, but I'm not there.    


7:47 You're going to be much, much more productive with 15 minutes, 15 minutes on one thing, can you get a lot done? You'll be engaged. You will do powerful work. And it will actually have an effect on your growth.    


8:06 Most of us are busy and overwhelmed. We have deadlines that other people give us. We might even be uncertain of what to do, but if you have one choice, one thing to study, it will be well done and you'll do it. All right. So the third thing that I want you to think about is rituals. Ritualizing things makes you more likely to do them, develop rituals around creating and develop rituals around, engaging around creating and about disconnecting.    


8:41 Even though it's 15 minutes, it's another 15 minutes of something that you need to add to your day that I'm adding to your list of things to do. So if you have a ritual around that, then it's more likely that you're going to do it. And B you're going to do it successfully. And when you get it done, you're going to feel good. So you want to, to do a ritual, create a little ritual. Everyone has so much to do. I have a lot to do you have a lot to do. We can create a ritual around what we have to do so that we will be less fatigued, have better rates of success, less procrastination, all of that kind of stuff.    


9:19 So you want to be more productive, more creative and do better work. I've talked to actors, who've taken my courses about doing a tea ritual, where you start with a cup of tea.    


9:31 You put down the tea, you do the exercise, and then you end with a cup of tea. And then you've created a ritual around it.    


9:39 When you create that ritual, you've started something and you've ended something. So it feels like it's complete. There's not more to do. You've finished your job. And it feels like you've got a handle on what you have to do. You don't get so stressed out. This is the end of the story. Now we're done. I can now go on to the other things in my day with the ritual, with the ritual, it means that other people are not allowed in, in the moment. 15 minutes alone is okay for your husband, your wife, your partner, your kids, people at work, whatever it is, wherever you're taking your 15 minutes. So 15 minutes creates a boundary and the ritual mom's got her tea.    


10:29 Don't go in there right now. Mom's got her tea. Mum had her mom that her final drink at tea. It's all over. It's 15 minutes at a time. I can go in and I can ask, could I watch soccer? Moms, all of this works for building big booking magic. It does. It works in conjunction with all of the other stuff that you need to know. You need to understand the scene study. You need to understand audition technique. You need to take acting classes. You need to do all of these things. It's not enough to do the practice without some guidance. There's a couple of things that I needed to mention to you that I know you're going to. One is as if you don't know, you will know.    


11:17 Disney is opening up a production facility here for voiceover. They already do work here, but they're going to have the voiceover production studio here, which means lots more work. And I have a Disney class now I do not charge for my Disney class because I don't sell it because people thought it was a scammy thing. And so I decided because there's a lot of people who do really scammy things through regards to Disney. So Donna and I talked about it and we decided to give it to give it away for free. We're going to put it on the front of the website. So if you've taken the hallmark class, it's like the hallmark class.    


12:00 So it's very effective. So I will put it on. I'm working on it. It's not ready yet. It's gonna take me a little bit, but it'll be up there. It'll be a free class. Everyone should take it. And actually you should do it a couple of times so that you get really good at it. I'm not going to be teaching it. So it's going to be recorded lessons. That's going to help you create really good bookable Disney auditions. I am so thrilled about this thinking I shouldn't be doing, or I should be doing some yoga or I should be cutting the lawn because 15 minutes is okay. The member that in the end, you really do need to know how to audition really well.    


12:39 Congratulations, listening to podcasts is a small, smart, risky step toward your dream. Thanks for spending your time with me today. I'll see you on screen.